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Time travel essays

Time travel essays

Essay on Time Travel,Time Travel : Or Apocalyptic?

WebPaper Type: word essay Examples. The reading “Dreaming of Time Travel” discusses applications of time machine, whether time travel is possible and how WebDec 24,  · Time travel has been a phenomenon of science fiction since the very first days of the genre. Man has been fascinated with the possibility of manipulating WebTime travel is one of the best/the most interesting topic in science fiction. Time travel is usually depicted in films such as Back to the Future, and Star Trek, you will see people WebDec 9,  · In hypothetical terms, time travel consists of moving back to the past or into the future, without the intervention of the persons and events involved in the past and in WebSep 15,  · The time travel is the complex issue which involves a lot of problematic philosophical questions. The time travel is threatening because of the associated ... read more

We will write a custom Essay on Time Travel: Is It Possible? When delving into the topic, it is crucial to understand the essence of time and its nature. One obviously knows the fact that it is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It could be defined as a continuous process of existence and numerous events that might occur in succession from the past through the present to the future. As comes from the definition, there are three states which are the past, present, and future. This subdivision contributes to the appearance of the debates related to the negotiation of the time barrier and moving in time from the past to the future and on the contrary, from the future to the past.

The complexity of the problem gave rise to numerous speculations about the creation of the machine that could allow a person to move from one timeline to another. However, the rise of spacefaring triggered the new wave of debates related to this sphere. Numerous scientists consider spaceships to be a sort of time machine that could be used to travel through time. In this regard, any spaceship that is able to reach a significant speed close to the light velocity could become a space machine. From this very perspective, every time machine has to travel through space. Additionally, the discovery of wormholes also provides numerous opportunities for travels through a higher-dimensional hyperspace Tegmark 6.

In other words, we could speak about the existence of some alternative reality that might provide us with an opportunity to move in time and reach the needed destination point. This idea also correlates to the many-worlds interpretation of the universe. It means that there are numerous alternative worlds with similar histories and events that occurred during certain periods of time. If to accept this idea, we could state that a wormhole transfers us from our world to another, similar to ours but going through another timeline. Under these conditions, time travels become possible with the proviso that humanity will be able to build a spaceship that could experience a journey of this sort and understand the nature of wormholes.

One realizes the fact that this task should be considered more than complex; however, the possibility to achieve this goal remains. Additionally, the question of time travels comes close with the idea of time paradoxes that are expected to result in the collapse of the universe or some other significant problems. Besides, time paradox might appear when a time traveler interferes with the course of history and alters some events that conditioned the way the modern world looks. Moreover, this rude intervention is also suggested as one of the main reasons why time travels are impossible and time paradoxes serve as the guaranty that it will never happen.

Moreover, if to analyze the issue of time travels in terms of the single self-consistent timeline framework, it is possible to accept the possibility of the creation of a time machine that will move us to different eras. Time travel is ethical because we can learn about the past, solve unsolved crimes, and visit lost loved ones. Time travel has shown that can be very helpful in most cases. Lacking knowledge about how the future will evolve given changes to the past is Time Travel Ethics Explorer. Wormholes have intrigued both science fiction writers and theoretical physicists alike for decades. In recent years, Time Travel Black Hole. Is time travel real? In which Mary writes about a brother Jack and sister Annie duo, who go on adventures through time to inform the youth who read light novels about that Time Travel Explorer Theory.

Time travel is a plot device almost as old as science fiction itself. It seems that as soon as we have permission to create whatever technology we want we are using it to explore and change the past and future. A world line isn t created as one move forward through time; it is always there in its entirety. However we will never be able to see this because our brains are not equipped to deal with such information. The complexity of our neural net at our current stage of evolution does not meet the standards to comprehend time in its true form. One of the most important methods of information organization that the brain uses is sequencing. Our memories are temporally ordered to a large extent. Time is the main associative operator in the thought process.

As the brain gets new information from the five senses, it is time stamped and goes into memory. Imagine the information overload and chaos that would occur if we began to see past, present and future all at once. One would go completely insane. An analogy to the situation would be a dam breaking. A dam allows small amounts of water to flow consistently and calmly. If the dam were to break the sudden onrush of water would destroy everything in its path. Thus it can be seen that there maybe a profound difference between the real nature of time and time as perceived by the human psyche. This is the handicap we have in coming to grips with time as it really is. Order custom essay An Essay on Time Travel with free plagiarism report.

In a nutshell this could mean that time is the dimension in which the other three spatial dimensions exist. Our 3D world is a level curve of a surface in 4D. We cannot experience the whole surface at once. But by moving through that surface we can experience it piece by piece. This is the current state of things. Since space itself is expanding through time, we are forced to move through it as well and feel the passage of time and its arrow. Equipped with the new idea of time as a dimension we are closer to its real nature. Thus the question of time travel can now be better tackled. The idea of time travel must first clearly be defined. Obviously it does not refer to the normal ticking of the clock we experience due to the expansion of space. It refers to a movement through time not caused by the expansion of space.

This leaves two possibilities. Relativistic time dilation and discrete jumps through time. Time dilation can be implemented to create, in effect, time travel to the future. Since it is a one way trip no paradoxes arise. All you are simply doing is slowing down the rate at which you move through time compared with normal space. It is done by moving at speeds close to that of light. When you slow down enough to once again move through time at the same rate as which space is, you will have arrived in your future faster than you normally would have. The extreme case analogy would be suspended animation.

No paradoxes arise because one does not disappear from space violating the. conventional concept of the conservation of mass-energy. You simply move through space at such a velocity that you begin to run into its dimensional boundary that is expanding in time. This causes your rate of passage through time to be different from that of space. There is no example that could sufficiently illustrate this mechanism but consider the metaphor ramming into space itself a starting point. It is the second concept of jumping through different points in time that is problematic. It is still unclear as to whether the laws of current physics or even future physics will allow such a thing and even if it did, some very unsettling paradoxes arise when considering time travel of this sort.

They arise because of the psychological view of time. However assuming that physics does not have a problem with such a mode of temporal travel the paradoxes can be dealt with if we use the dimensional viewpoint of time. One of the paradoxes that arise is the grandmother paradox. In essence it states that if one were to go back in time and kill his or her grandmother, then their mother would never be born and she would never give birth to the time traveler. The idea gnaws deeply at the notion of cause and effect. But what if cause and effect were an illusion? The connection our thought processes make between two occurrences need not necessarily exist outside of our head. If the past and future exist at the same instant then so would cause and effect. They need not be in any order.

The order we perceive is a creation of the mind.

The time travel issue is one of the most controversial questions in the field of philosophy because it is based on the discussion of different types of the time, causes and consequences of actions, casual loops, and on analysing the past, the present, and the future as providing a range of possibilities or a range of facts. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the possibility of the time travel is discussed with references to the consequences of such a journey. Thus, the time travel can lead to the intolerable and even threatening consequences because of influencing the principle of the cause and effect in relation to the past and future, and as a result, the most threatening is the effects of the reverse causation and casual loops associated with the fact of the time travel.

The time travel is possible only with references to the Parmenidean view of reality according to which the past, the present, and the future can exist not only eternally but also during the same time period. From this point, the past, the present, and the future exist at the same moment, and any changes as the result of the time travel are impossible, but the possibility of that fact provokes the discussion of intolerable consequences. Thus, the most threatening effects or time travel consequences are expected in relation to the phenomena of the reverse causation and casual loops along with the closed casual chains.

From this perspective, the reverse causation supports the idea that time travellers cannot change the history because of principles of fatalism as accepting all the events as given facts. That is why casual loops and the phenomenon of the reverse causation are effective for preventing time travellers from changing the history in relation to the external time. However, the problem is in the fact that time travellers remain to be able to change their personal histories in relation to the personal time. Thus, relying on the causal sequence as the fundament for placing the events in relation to the time, it is important to predict the possibilities to change the reality of the past or future as well as impossibility to change anything because of the strong cause-and-effect relations.

If a time traveller performs his or her journey while visiting the past, the effects of this journey are observed in the present at the moment of the journey. Thus, these two processes are possible because all the events and phenomena are facts and not possibilities. In this case, the idea of fatalism is related to the four-dimensional world and reality. On the one hand, the threatening effects are impossible because of the impossibility to change the reality and choose between the alternatives. On the other hand, the threatening consequences are possible, and the time travel and the prevention of the negative effects are possible with references to focusing on the separated and even unequal time periods or amounts of the time in order to perform the journey Nahin , p.

To meet the serious threats caused by the time travel, it is necessary to concentrate on not changing the reality significantly in order to preserve the consistency of the casual loops. The range of possibilities should be discussed as the range of facts because alternatives are not relevant in the Parmenidean perspective of the world where the past, the present, and the future are equally real and eternal and, as a result, are characterised by the real causes and consequences related to any acts. One more satisfactory way to avoid any threats of the time travel is the ignorance of any effects and consequences because people really cannot change the past with the help of the time travel as they cannot change the past with the power of their thought Goddu , p.

Moreover, it is impossible to change the future that is why it is impossible to realise any actions in order to meet the possible threats appropriately. From this perspective, any actions of a person in relation to this or that problem related to the time travel and its consequences seem to be useless because the future exist at the same moment when the problem is discussed, and it cannot be changed or influenced. The time travel is the complex issue which involves a lot of problematic philosophical questions. The time travel is threatening because of the associated reverse causation in relation to the past and the future and impact on the casual loops regarding the personal and external time, which should be correlated. The present cannot exist if the past was changed, and this fact is the main threat of the time travel.

Nevertheless, the past, the present, and the future exist simultaneously, and it is impossible to change them. That is why, intolerable consequences of the time travel can be prevented not only because of avoiding changes in the past or future but also because of the inner impossibility of such changes in relation to the Parmenidean paradigm. Nahin, P , Time machines: time travel in physics, metaphysics, and science fiction , Springer, USA. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? The Consequences of the Time Travel. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on The Consequences of the Time Travel specifically for you!

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Time Travel: Is It Possible? Essay,Similar Topics

WebDec 9,  · In hypothetical terms, time travel consists of moving back to the past or into the future, without the intervention of the persons and events involved in the past and in WebPaper Type: word essay Examples. The reading “Dreaming of Time Travel” discusses applications of time machine, whether time travel is possible and how WebEssay On Time Travel Others have noted that we're all travelling forward in time (in fact, the theory relativity says that we are all travelling at the speed of light through spacetime) WebTime travel is one of the best/the most interesting topic in science fiction. Time travel is usually depicted in films such as Back to the Future, and Star Trek, you will see people WebEssay on Time Travel Emotions: The Value Of A Time Travel Story. The value of a time travel story differs from each time travel story. Each Can There Be Time Travel WebDec 24,  · Time travel has been a phenomenon of science fiction since the very first days of the genre. Man has been fascinated with the possibility of manipulating ... read more

Time Management: How To Efficient Use Of Time. Each student is trying for the goal of educating themselves to become more successful in life. Better Essays. He introduced his ideas through his three laws of motion and the law of gravitation in his work Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Biagioli Time Travel Ethics Explorer.

The two openings of the wormhole could be placed parallel in space next but divided by their respective times, and thus can allow time travel. What is time travel? Since the light speed is constant, this implies that the observer outside the train saw the light take twice as long to reach the mirror. Time Travel In A Christmas Carol Words 2 Pages. Throughout centuries of research many scientist, mathematicians, and physicist time travel essays believe time travel can be possible, time travel essays.

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